Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Contemporary media practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Contemporary media practices - Essay Example Inclusion in immersion indicates the way physical reality is shut out while its extensive characteristics indicate the various sensory modalities accommodated (Slater & Wilbur, 1997; Tavinor 2009, p.184). Immersion is regarded as a great experience in gaming and is considered in games, designers and researchers of games as an essential experience in interaction. The theory of immersion is perceived in many aspects but is generally employed in software when referring to the virtual reality of and games. Within the gaming context, immersion is considered to be essential because review on games indicate immersion is related to the reality of the game world or even the atmospheric sounds. Immersion is considered to have depth because the experience of immersion is essential in enjoying a game and is sustained or even destroyed by the characteristics of the game (Brown & Cairns, n.d). However, focusing on specific cases necessitates a thorough discussion with regard to the notion of immer sion that includes a player’s complete and total psychological identification with a character, immersion into the situation or story, a trance state, sharing of emotional bond with a character or even having similar reactions to events of play (Torner & White 2012, p.75). The different perceptions of meaning of immersion have generated conceptual confusion such that even observer promote simply abandoning it since what it obscures in more compared to what it reveals. Moreover, adoption of unexamined commonplace knowledge regarding the relationship between reality and game experience has been considered â€Å"immersive fallacy†. This is a way of considering the history of technologies of communications that takes it as inexorably and ideally leading to more powerful systems of simulation. Immersion’s conceptual elusiveness can be attributed to the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Physical Education Essay Example for Free

Physical Education Essay Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: Direct instruction- a lecturing method of teaching because it can cover large amount of materials in a short period of time. Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Comments on Appropriateness of the Teaching Aids used Chalk board Handouts Books White board Used as a medium for verbal communication It is economical and reusable Aid learning and increase attention and motivation and help students to follow the development of idea. Could be react for instruction, recreation or entertainment Easier to hold and does not generate dust  It does not provide a permanent record This is a role of no confidence in students note taking, some of them may feel cheated because they took notes unnecessarily. Dependent about the ideas that is written in the book The white board background can cause problems to those with vision impairment The chalk board is often neglected and it does not get the proper care it deserves. Using handouts or not is an act management not simply of information-giving books are effective to use as an instructional tool because it makes students to think and understand clearly about the lesson  is effective to use because it does not generate dust that comes from using and erasing chalks Your Analysis 1. What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/learning resources that she/he used? 2. What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed? 3. Over-all, were the learning resources /materials used effectively? Why ? Why not? Charlene Atig Technology is a tool for a meaningful learning. During our observation in a particular class a teacher used chalk board during her presentation of lessons. I think teacher prompted to choose the materials/learning resources that she used was it’s because she conceived that those aids was effective and suit to her students’ needs of learning. And in other cares, maybe a teacher can’t use a power point presentation it’s because there is no availability or lack of computers those instructional materials that can be used in teaching. A teacher should facilitate evaluative process by focusing students’ attention in the effectiveness, efficiency of instructional materials. Teacher experienced the difficulty especially students showing restlessness or boredom to the presentation. So, it is often helpful for a teacher to shoe genuine interest to the students. Or if not, she need to change her strategies in teaching, aside from using visual aid, it’s better to use power point presentation because it attracts students look and attention. I can’t say that all those learning resources/materials were effective in used to the students. Teacher was still need to adjust her plans to match the changing interest and needs of the learners. During the discussion, students show boredom about the presentation of the lesson because visual aid for me describe as a dry tool to be used to the learners. Maybe, until now, that aid is effective to some but using technology can create a meaningful learning that transmits students effectively. It is much better to use power point to present well the lessons clearly including some examples especially pictures. Ellvine Pia Bonocan During our observation, the instructional materials that were used by the teacher were chalkboard, whiteboard, handouts, and books. The very common teaching aids used in classroom. I think the teacher used those instructional materials because she thought that it would be more effective to use those things or strategies. Maybe she still not used to a power point presentation. At the time that we observed, the students were reporting about a particular topic given by their teacher. I think the difficulties that the teacher experienced were: she can’t manage the class and the way her students behaved while having a reporting because some were texting and some were chatting with their classmates. I guess, for the teacher to manage those unnecessary things done by her students during the reporting would become lessen if only if she will give her full attention to her students and telling the students to listen and stop doing something while the reporting is still going on. The learning resources were somehow not effective because for me using that instructional materials nowadays is dry and boring to look at. The students won’t focus on the report because they’ll feel bored looking the same things used in reporting. There is a need to enhance the ways or strategies that the teacher applied. She must tell her students to used power point in their report so that the class would be lively and they will focus in the reporting. There will be more interaction between teacher and students. To also developed student’s participation in class activities for that matter. Annie Rose Calumpang At this time and age, teachers have a wide a choices on what instructional materials to use. However, when I visited the classroom and observed what instructional materials or teaching aids that is used by the teacher the most common instructional materials used are the chalkboard, handouts, books, and whiteboard. Teacher used these instructional materials because its inexpensiveness and it is economical and reusable. When we observed a class, that time, the students are reporting about the topic that the teacher assigned to them. The difficulty I observed in the teacher she can’t handle the attitude of the students. Some of the students are talking and got bored in the report because the reporters does not explain their report they always read without analyzing the assigned topic. To manage this, teacher should tell the students to give a copy about their report to their classmates so that they will listen to the reports. The learning resource/materials are used effectively because students learning become more interactive through applying accepted learning theory. There is an interaction between students and teacher which can enhance the student’s participation or cooperation Roxanne R. dela Cruz The teacher might think that the materials she used might attract and will stand as a reminder to the students who see it. It could be a resourceful tool to student to master such learning objects. The difficulties of a teacher would be the strategy they’ll make if they are going to present pictures or illustrations to make it more clear and can easily understood. The materials were effective more some reasons but not enough for this new generation because the school has poor learning materials it might cause students to be NOT more competent and well-prepared in the future. Reflection Charlene Atig As a future MAPEH teacher someday, I will first have my self-evaluation for the improvement of learning. I used aids that create and contain well organized Teaching aid materials. In my case, I should prefer to use slide presentation because I think this aid present an applicable future understanding about the needs of the learners and can really enhance instruction. And at the end of the activity, students can gain competence in developing and utilizing materials (slide presentation) which involve students in meaningful learning. At this point student show interest to the lesson being presented. Ellvine Pia Bonocan Being a teacher is not that easy in fact it’s enjoyable dealing or teaching different type of students. If I put myself in the place of the teacher where we had our observation, the thing that I would do similarly is to give student’s reports so that they can practice facing people or the class and to help them develop their communication skills and to build self-confidence through reporting. The thing that I will do differently is to change the teaching strategy that was used by the teacher. If I will become a teacher soon, I want to make the students or class lively in a way that the students won’t get bored in the class because that is the only or reason why students don’t want to listen to the reports or discussions. So, to minimize this, you as a teacher, you must find ways to entertain student’s interests, you should have a sense of humor so that they’ll not get bored sitting and listening to the report or discussion. You must be patient enough to find  ways or strategies that will be suit to student’s interest to make your discussion more interactive and at the same time effective. So, to awaken them, you must tell your students to make their reports using a power point presentation because nowadays this is commonly used instead of using visual aids. They should learn how to use a power point presentation in reporting not to give their financial problem but to help them discover the use of technology nowadays because in this generation it’s really needed and useful. Annie Rose Calumpang If I were on the part of the teacher, the teaching skills that I would similar to her teaching strategies are the way I incorporate the instructional materials into a lessons like giving handouts to the students about the topic and the way I applied my teaching strategies to encouraged students to be active and alert during the learning process like asking question to the students about the topic, then each of the students should have an answered to that questioned, so that, there is an interaction between the teacher and the students to make learning process became more interesting. Then the different strategy that I would do to make students motivate well in the learning process before I discussed the lessons to the students, a number of questioned about the topic can served from the students to arouse their interest and focus their attention to the topic. As a whole, learning is meaningful when it is connected to the student’s everyday life. A good teaching enhanced students to interact in different classroom activities to make teaching learning possible. Roxanne dela Cruz As a student in the field of arts I’m going to make things clear and try my best to do more original illustration. I’ll motivate my students to learn more than just the content on the objects they see. Student-centered will be my primary objective.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Katie Werner Mr. Oster AP Composition & Literature 12/13/13 Crime & Redemption Fyodor Dostoyevsky sets his classic romantic novel, Crime and Punishment, in 19th century Russia, and addresses the many psychological issues faced by lower class Russian citizens of the time, such as: morality, insanity, alienation, poverty, and religion. In the novel, Dostoyevsky presents his character, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov (also referred to as Rodya,) as a non-typical criminal who murders Alyona, an unfair pawnbroker, simply to test his theory that exceptional men are exempt from the law. In doing this, Dostoyevsky creates a complex character, whom, because of his actions and apathetic nature, can easily be perceived as evil or immoral: â€Å"He pulled the axe quite out, swung it with both arms, scarcely conscious of himself, and almost without effort, almost mechanically, brought the blunt side down on her head† (Dostoyevsky 72). Raskolnikov commits this crime in such a cold, detached fashion, that based on this action and the additional murder of the pawnbroke r’s mentally disabled sister, Lizav...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Analyzing Serve or Fail Essay

In Serve or Fail, by Dave Eggers, Eggers implies that college students have too much time on their hands that could instead be used for helping the community. He argues that college itself is time consuming and even with classes, studying, a job, and social activities there are still plenty of hours in the day that need killing. He also states that giving students the opportunity to serve the community in exchange for course credits hours will give students the motive to do so. Not only would the community be benefited tremendously but the students as well. Lastly, Eggers confirms his argument by providing facts and statistics from previous cases that were very successful. Eggers proves his argument by providing these three things in his article. He states â€Å"About now, most recent college graduates, a mere week or two beyond their last final, are giving themselves a nice respite.† Eggers believes that the students do deserve â€Å"free time† but to a certain extent. They shouldn’t just go to class and study 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but they also shouldn’t play games and skip class either. Eggers begins his argument with personal experiences. Personal experiences is a great way to prove a thesis to an audience. He shares â€Å"during my time there, I became one of the best two or three foosball players in the Land of Lincoln.† Soon, he realized that even after all the fun and games there was still extra time. Therefore, Eggers decided to volunteer. He thought it would be exciting and maybe the start of a new hobby. He realized soon after that volunteering was not for him. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy it, he explains that he found a place he enjoyed volunteering at, but he didn’t have to volunteer, no one was forcing him to do this act of kindness; so, he quit. Because of Eggers providing us with personal experiences we can His second approach for his argument is offering the students credit hours in exchange for volunteer work. Doing so would give the students the motive to get up and make something of themselves by helping out in the community. He proposes the idea of trading twenty-five volunteer hours in exchange for one course credit hour, with a maximum of three credits per year. Also, to  account for the college curriculum, experience and requirements, Eggers believes that the mandatory volunteer work shouldn’t come until the student’s junior and senior year. Of course, first and second year students could still do the â€Å"exchange program† but it wouldn’t be mandatory the first two years. Eggers said, â€Å"A college history major might learn something by tutoring a local middle school class that’s studying the Underground Railroad†. Learning outside of a classroom is just as important and learning inside the classroom. Another approach from Eggers is provided by facts and statistics. Providing facts and statistics is a great way to prove a thesis to an audience. He provides us with evidence of successful cases from colleges, and some high schools, regarding his ideas. According to Eggers, â€Å"Some colleges, and many high schools, have such a thing in place, and last year Michael R. Veon, a Democratic member of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives, introduced a bill that would require the more than 90,000 students at 14 state-run universities to perform 25 hours of community service annually.† Eggers points out that this plan sometimes won’t work for certain colleges and students, but even factoring those rare cases out, the sta tistics are still phenomenal; approximately 60 million hours overall! Eggers’ argument in his essay Serve or Fail provides us with personal experiences, motive for students, and facts and statistics that give us enough proof and evidence that we should test his theory throughout more colleges worldwide. Eggers also provides an underlying benefit of time management incorporated in his work, â€Å"What if graduating seniors already knew full well how to balance jobs, studies, family and volunteer work in the surrounding community?† Students learning how to balance class, a job, homework, and volunteering will greatly appreciate this action in their futures. Eggers giving us his personal experiences let us know that he has hard evidence against his claim. Students having the option of the â€Å"exchange program† gives them motive to work which will help the community. The facts and statistics say it all, if the community could gain 2 million or more service hours a year all because of a student participating in volunteer work once a month, could this be such a bad idea after all? Think about your college years; was there a lot of empty time? Did you goof off a little too much instead of doing something useful to pass time? Could you have volunteered to better yourself and your community in your spare time?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prime Candidates of Vigilantism

All law stems from one source of order. In a time of anarchy and chaos a man brought for from a mountain top two stone tablets from which all law branches. Those two tablets, the Ten Commandments, were to be the seeds of lawful civilization. Those seeds have since become the roots of modern humanity. A prime example of this is the United States government. The phrase â€Å"In God we trust† is imprinted on every piece of legal tender and on most documentation. The purpose of law and government is to â€Å"protect† the people, but the fact that punishment need be imposed only illustrates the fact that it does not protect. Punishment is imposed only after harmful actions against society have been carried out. In order for punishment and legal intervention to be applied there first must be a crime or an action that is the government†s responsibility to prevent from taking place. When law is applied the government has already failed to protect the individual; punishment will do nothing to help the victim after they have been victimized. Law does not, in truth, prevent such behavior; it only deals with it once it has occurred. Law does nothing to prevent socially harmful behavior, it therefore does not protect in accordance with the tenets set forth in the theory of the Social Contract. Why then, in such a modern civilization, do we have vigilantes? The answer is simple. The fact is that although humanity has advanced, law has failed to keep up. The prime candidates for vigilantism are those who abide by the law. They acknowledge the existence of the law and respect it. They expect that if one day they are the victim of a crime the offender will quickly go through trial and be punished. The truth is that that is rarely the case. It can take months for an offender to even go to trial. The U. S. criminal justice system, however the best in the world, is not nearly efficient enough to properly handle the workload placed upon it. Still the situation comes up that even in a clear-cut case with hard evidence and witnesses, law enforcement will fail to properly pass down punishment to those who commit a crime. This is the time when people take the law into their own hands. Impatience and frustration drives and individual to do what he or she believes what the government has failed to do. It can happen to anyone. But can crime be prevented in the first place? The law often frustrates teenagers and adults alike. The major difference between these two groups is experience. Teenagers are usually more likely to go out and â€Å"punish† those who violate them or their friends. An example of a teen vigilante is when a teen goes out to defend his/her name in order to prevent slander. This is seen very often. Unfortunately, these teens have either not been educated or have exhausted all legal means in order to halt the crime (slander). Adults are often confronted with the same situation but by having experienced this before, they are more prepared to take action against this. But in adults we often see something not usually seen in teens, the involvement of alcohol. Alcohol clouds judgment and increases violent tendencies. Although teens do consume alcohol, they cannot obtain it legally. Because of the age difference, punishment should not be the same for both adults and teens. Although there are some difference, for some reasons adults seem to have more choices in terms of education and correction. In adult prisons, inmates can attend GED classes and earn degrees. Teens however do not have that same option. Instead, they have clean-up punishments such as Saturday detention at the high school. What should be done is Saturday corrective classes. Instead of cleaning the school, clean their minds. This is where education comes in. In order to eliminate criminal behavior, we first must rehabilitate and educate those who are at high risk to or have already committed a crime. In most forms of punishment, such as seen at the Douglas Juvenile Corrections office, there is actually no correction. Lawn maintenance does in no way educate the offenders. Punishment does not promote understanding not does it allow analysis. Education, unlike punishment, is not a restriction, but a guide. Education is a positive behavioral influence that promotes freedom and instills morality. With education comes understanding. Without those two key elements there cannot be the wisdom necessary for correction. Regarding the disciplinary action taken on juvenile offenders, some of which I have seen working outside during school hours, should not be out there. Instead, they should be forced to attend school. Whether it is high school or a form of military school, they need education. Becoming a vigilante is almost never a result of free choice of an individual. Rather, it is forced upon one by poor or slow action on part of law enforcement. If we as society ever hope to live in peace and prosperity as guaranteed to us by the constitution, we need to not only enforce the laws, but preach the law.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ray Oldenburg Crtique essays

Ray Oldenburg Crtique essays Stress is a common problem in America today. The cause however, is often times debated. Ray Oldenburg, a sociologist at the University of West Florida, argues that the reason we (Americas) are stressed out is due to a lack of a third place. I couldnt agree more. Oldenburgs effective use of communication, his witty comments, and the examples that he uses apply to us today as much as they did in the past. Oldenburg claims that Americans lives are fragmented due to the lack of an informal social life. He argues that the automobile suburb ruined the informal social life by taking away the possibility of having a village pub or caf that allows people to informally meet together. Oldenburg groups our lives into three places: the first place being home, the second place being work, and the third place being an informal social gathering place (such as a village pub or caf). Because of the lack of a third place, Oldenburg believes that Americans are forced to have social relationships with those that they work with, and in doing so, do not allow for a separation between work and social life. In addition, the introduction of the television and various other technologies has also aided in the breakdown of the informal social life, causing Americans to stay inside their homes. All these, he feels, is the reason why Americans lead a jangled and fragmented life. One of the very first arguments that Oldenburg makes is that Americans lack an informal social life. By saying this, Oldenburg is arguing that we do not have the type of social life that allows us to bump into each other, but instead, we must make appointments. How true this thought process is! I think about the times when I have wanted to see a close friend, and how we were forced to make an appointment with them in order to spend time together. I believe that if anyone were to accurately examine their social life, the...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Progreesive Era essays

Progreesive Era essays The Progressive Era provided a solid effort to improve the life of Americans by emerging presidents and multiple reforms. Through the progressive politicians, trusts were busted and relief was given to small businesses. Working and societal conditions were forever reformed during the Progressive Era. During the Progressive Era Americans had a positive effect on their countries development with the help of leaders such as Roosevelt and Taft. Roosevelt is immortalized on Mount Rushmore now and forever because of his progressive tactics in his term. Roosevelts Anti-Trust policy of 1902 pledged government intervention to break up illegal monopolies and regulate corporations for the public good. Roosevelt felt that bad trusts threatened competition and markets. His ingenious square dealings and gentlemens agreements controlled many firms. In 1903, he opened a new cabinet position was created to address the concerns of business and labor (Department of Commerce and Labor). Within the department, the Bureau of Corporations was empowered to investigate and report on illegal activities of corporations. In 1903, the Elkins Act empowered the Interstate Commerce Commission to act against discriminating rebates as a response to the abuse of economic power by railroads proposed another problem for Roosevelt. In 1906, the Meat Inspection Act provided for federal and sanitary regulations and inspections in meant packing faciliti es. Also, the Pure Food and Drug Act prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated labeled foods and drugs in accordance with consumer demands. These acts provided much needed relief and rights for the consumer from the poisonous industries and frauds of meatpacking, food, and drugs. In conclusion to all of these accomplishments during Roosevelts term, Theodore Roosevelts progressive tendencies brought new meaning to government regul...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Refer to Former and Future States

How to Refer to Former and Future States How to Refer to Former and Future States How to Refer to Former and Future States By Mark Nichol A variety of prefixes and words that express former and future states of being are available to writers. Here’s a discussion of the possibilities. In reference to people who are no longer in a particular position or profession, the most common wording, for example, is â€Å"former stockbroker John Smith† or â€Å"ex-stockbroker John Smith.† Other, more elaborate terms, in ascending order of ornateness, include onetime, erstwhile, and quondam. One can also use once or â€Å"at one time,† but not as a simple description preceding the name, as in the examples above; one would have to write, depending on context, something like â€Å"John Smith, once a stockbroker himself† or â€Å"John Smith, who at one time was a stockbroker.† Descriptions might also use then as an adjective, as in â€Å"then stockbroker John Smith† (note that the phrase consisting of then and a descriptive word is not hyphenated), which is distinct in meaning from phrases that include former or ex-: For example, â€Å"The book was written by former stockbroker John Smith† means that Smith wrote the book after he was no longer a stockbroker, whereas â€Å"The book was written by then stockbroker John Smith† means that Smith wrote the book while he was a stockbroker but is no longer working in that profession. A more complex form is to use turned as a transitional term between a former state and a current one, as in â€Å"stockbroker turned mechanic John Smith.† (Note that hyphens are not used to connect the terms; that common error likely arises from confusion with phrases that include the term cum from the Latin word for â€Å"and† and therefore not synonymous with turned which appears in such constructions as â€Å"teacher-cum-coach John Smith.†) Unfortunately, this variety of solutions is not available for expressing future states. Future is the only simple description, as in â€Å"future stockbroker John Smith.† Otherwise, one might write, â€Å"John Smith, who will become a stockbroker† or, in retrospect, â€Å"John Smith, who went on to become a stockbroker.† (However, politicians who will take office on a specified date can be referred to as, for example, â€Å"President-elect John Smith.†) The effect on a job title of the insertion of former, ex-, or any other similar term (or any adjective, for that matter) before the title varies according to style. The Chicago Manual of Style and similar handbooks generally treat the job title as if has joined the adjective as part of an epithet, a generic description rather than a capitalized title. Therefore, someone who no longer holds a particular office would be described, for example, as â€Å"former president Bill Clinton,† as opposed to the designation â€Å"President Bill Clinton† for a sitting president. The Associated Press Stylebook, by contrast, does not make this distinction: The form most newspapers follow is â€Å"former President Bill Clinton.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingThe Parts of a Word20 Ways to Laugh

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Analysis of Immediate Souths Secession from the Union Essay

The Analysis of Immediate Souths Secession from the Union - Essay Example The essay "The Analysis of the Immediate South’s Secession from the Union" talks about the rationality of the South actions during the years preceding the Civil War. One cannot ignore the fact that if the South did not declare succession, Lincoln would not have to declare war in the south. James McPherson, an expert in this subject and author of The Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era insists, â€Å"In July 1861, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution, by a nearly unanimous vote, that affirmed that the North was not waging the war to overthrow slavery but to preserve the Union.†. Clearly, the focal point of the war was to keep the unity of nation for the sake of peace and security. By March, during Lincoln’s inauguration speech, states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas had already declared to secede. From the South’s perspective, it is clear that that nation was interested in its own political and economic pursuits. Clearly, the soldiers understood that the North had little or no interest in South’s domestic affairs. Slavery was vital towards the success of South’s economy. The failure for the North to acknowledge the idea motivated the Southern soldiers to pursue their own version of the â€Å"American Dream.† The major political and economic interests between North and South continued to reflect the justification for separation for the Southern soldiers. Hence, Lincoln’s reaction to impose force to unite the nation escalated the tensions. between both sides. Hence, the advantages of the South declaring secession centered on their economy. Without constraining the burden of supporting the North with its financial burdens, the South enjoyed the dire success of enhancing and revitalizing its own economy. The justification for the secession revolv ed around the fact that the South had many grievances. Since the colonies also fought the revolutionary because they had a list of grievances, it only seemed fair that the South had the equal right to repeat history. The Republican tariffs that were imposed and the free homestead in the west were vital towards the southern states to rebel. The disadvantages of the South declaring secession was the fact that no country regarded the South as its own union. The South was economically strong, but ideologically weak. It clearly lacked the foundation of unity that it once enjoyed while being with the Union. In addition, it had a weak foundation of government and did not possess a strong leader as Lincoln himself. Without a leader to take in charge, the South had no channels to unite for a war. the South did not It had no power to engage any international relations or ask its neighboring allies to finance its war. Although one may think that the secession was a rapid move, the South did ac t in a rationale way. The south at this point was to break away and enjoy the bounties of being an independent nation. With its full economic and financial power, the South was even turning heads in the European front. The South at this point realized the scrutiny they were in and did not want to suffer any longer from North’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reflective testimonial Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective testimonial - Personal Statement Example There are a number of skills that I feel I learnt in this module. One of the skills I acquired is organization. A career in human resource management requires an individual to be logical, systematic, and tidy (Janet 68). Since this career involves a lot of documentation and filing, the ability to keep the office tidy will come in handy. Subsequently, organization also encompasses effective time management skills. This skill will help me in future to plan my activities in a systematic manner. The extensive coursework has also enabled me to acquire multitasking skills. Multitasking means being able to handle different thing or issues simultaneously (Janet 68). A human resource manager has a lot duties and s/he may also be under pressure to finish a number of projects or reports under a specific and constrained timeframe. Being able to multitask will therefore come in handy in such situations as I will be able to finish my tasks in time. It would be important to elucidate the fact that this module involved a lot of discussions or debates. In other words, I liked how the lecturers and the guest speakers involved students in the discussions. In fact, a lecture could not end without each and every student contributing to the issues under discussion. This helped me acquire effective communication skills. Being an effective communicator will help me in my future career socialize and engage other employees in my endeavors (Janet 68). A human resource manager acts as a supervisor and recruiter. Therefore, s/he is present during interviews. Conducting an interview effectively requires one to have effective communication skills. Through this module, I was able to learn how to manage conflicts in the workplace. In addition, one of the topics in this course covered ethical issues in the workplace. My skills in conflict management will help me as a human resource manager to resolve disagreements among employees, and also between the employees and the employer. Learning

Human ressource explain the teachers power point Essay

Human ressource explain the teachers power point - Essay Example For example, several companies discriminate against women in pay. In such cases, women receive less pay compared to their counterparts. This makes women the victims of discrimination in the workplace. This is an impediment to development in the society. The equal pay Act discourages discrimination of varied forms in the society. However, it fails to enhance fairness because it advocates for uniform payment, which is discriminatory. The stipulations of the acts generalize pay for employees who undertake similar duties regardless of their productivity. The suggestion that equitable pay across genders is a step towards enhancing fairness in the society is neglected in the stipulations. According to Daniels & Lynda (68), the split between men and women is rising. This makes it difficult for employees to adhere to the requirements of equal pay act. According to the act, fairness in pay is paramount to the development of the society. However, productivity should determine pay for both genders. Organizations should differentiate pay for employees of different capabilities. This is because talent tends to create a balance across the gender divide. A few individuals support the stipulation of equal pay act. According to the legislation, organizations should not discriminate against gender during payments. For example, all staff should receive equal pay regardless of their genders (Daniels & Lynda 66). However, there are factors such as seniority and productivity that should be considered when devising pay for employees in organizations. According to the Act, employers should pay employees equally regardless of their genders. Employees undertaking similar duties within different departments should receive equal wages. Ideally, staff members participating in the management process should receive additional funds because of the complication arising from their duties. Organizations should

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The recent developments in the business environment Essay

The recent developments in the business environment - Essay Example The main motivation for mass marketing is the huge profit prospect created economies of scale. Starting from the strategy of competing on prices, companies have shifted to the focus on adding customer value by enhancing product quality. Recognizing the uniqueness of each of the segment of market segment, niche, and individual customers companies have embarked on target marketing. As opposed to mass marketing, target marketing focuses on serving a specific and identified target market. Instead of going after everyone, customers choose the most lucrative sector to cater to and use all of its resources in order to satisfy the needs and wants of these customers. From its humble beginnings Wal-Mart has become one of the most successful and biggest retailers in the world. What is very interesting about the company is its firm adherence in mass marketing as a strategy in the attainment of its organizational goals. Since its inception, the company is stuck to the principle in competing through a low pricing strategy. Following this, the company leverages on its ability to reap huge economies of scale through the large volume of sales. However, with the evolution of a hypercompetitive business environment characterized by the presence of higher customer bargaining and more aggressive competition on product quality (Kotler & Armstrong 2001) industry experts note that Wal-mart should leave mass marketing and focus on launching specific strategies aimed at each segment that it serves including Blacks, the Affluent, Empty Nesters, Hispanics, Suburbanites, and Rural Residents. Recognizing the importance of cultivating relationship marketing and the significance of considering the unique needs of each segment, this paper strongly recommends that Wal-mart embark on a target marketing approach. It should be noted that the more competitive nature of the retail industry dictates that each player pursue a harmonious and lasting relationship with its buyers by adding the value that they require. Thus, Wal-mart should step out from serving the broad anonymous crowd and start selling to each segment (Bianco 2004). It is recommended that the company does this by utilizing market penetration and product development. Recognizing that the product offered by Wal-Mart appeals to the working and bargain hunting customers, it is deemed most appropriate if the company looks into the possibility of serving the upscale segment by offering a new set of products which appeals to this demographics. Aside from this, the company can also opt to stand out from the crowd by improvin g on the other aspects of retailing such as merchandising, add-on services, and ambiance. Wal-Mart has long appealed to Blacks, Hispanics, and Rural Residents because of its price appeal. Having the capability of charging rock bottom prices because of economies of scale, Wal-mart has become prominent to this market. However, the proliferation of retailers who are taking efforts of targeting these markets somehow hurt the sales of the giant retailer. Thus, it is recommended that Wal-mart looks into penetrating these segments by offering more beverage and food products which are culturally appealing to Blacks and Hispanics. In order to cater

Did western influences hasten the decline of the Qing dynasty Why or Essay

Did western influences hasten the decline of the Qing dynasty Why or why not - Essay Example First theory is concerned with China? ¦s internal problems, including corruption, poverty and abuse of powers of the ruling class.† (34) But another sect of the historians argues that even though the Qing Dynasty was wearing out due to the heavy internal troubles, the western influences were at the center of these internal adversaries. Indeed the western influences were not the military interferences and threats to the dynasty in its concrete sense. Rather the western industrial revolution, rapid urbanization, growing individualism and the rapid changes and reorganizations of the socio-economic fields, as again Stanley says, â€Å"The theory supported by the Western World is that imperialism and introduction of western ideas in China ultimately caused the disintegration of Qing† (). Fairly in the early twentieth century Chinn’s socioeconomic and political cultures began to be influenced by the European Industrial Revolution. The pro-western influence school of h istorians purports that even if there were no internal conflicts, the Qing Dynasty would have to respond to the demand of the age. ... d of the Napoleonic War, the growth of industrial revolutions and the European Colonial presence in the neighboring states of China allured the West to take hold of vast Chinese markets (78). The Chinese markets were potential for the European Colonial powers in the late 19th Century in two ways: firstly, China was a potential market for the West to market their industrially produced goods and secondly, the country was a great reserve of raw materials that could feed the demonically growing industries in Europe. These commercial interests of the European nations in China provoked them to interfere into the internal issues of the country. Consequently the Opium War took place, greatly determining the future of the Qing dynasty (Cotterell 84-9). Indeed the root of the Opium War lies in the increasing Irish-British interest in the Lucrative Opium business in the mid 19th century. Since the Opium trade began to be less lucrative for the Chinese due to the Turkish cheaper supply in the op ium market, the Qing Emperor Daoguang banned the trade in contradiction to the expectation of the British traders. Eventually the Opium War began between the British-Irish Ally and the Qing Dynasty and ended upon causing some irreparable loss to the Qing Dynasty. Indeed the Qing Dynasty’s defeat in the First Opium War inspired the Western powers to interfere and manipulate the subsequent rebellions and internal conflicts in their own favor. Though he Qing Dynasty received the reluctant western support during the Taiping Rebellion, Nien Rebellion and a number of other rebellions, these rebellions were greatly caused by and connected to western commercial interests in the country. The Taiping Rebels, though were confronted by the allied Chinese-West Troops, received the non-official support

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The recent developments in the business environment Essay

The recent developments in the business environment - Essay Example The main motivation for mass marketing is the huge profit prospect created economies of scale. Starting from the strategy of competing on prices, companies have shifted to the focus on adding customer value by enhancing product quality. Recognizing the uniqueness of each of the segment of market segment, niche, and individual customers companies have embarked on target marketing. As opposed to mass marketing, target marketing focuses on serving a specific and identified target market. Instead of going after everyone, customers choose the most lucrative sector to cater to and use all of its resources in order to satisfy the needs and wants of these customers. From its humble beginnings Wal-Mart has become one of the most successful and biggest retailers in the world. What is very interesting about the company is its firm adherence in mass marketing as a strategy in the attainment of its organizational goals. Since its inception, the company is stuck to the principle in competing through a low pricing strategy. Following this, the company leverages on its ability to reap huge economies of scale through the large volume of sales. However, with the evolution of a hypercompetitive business environment characterized by the presence of higher customer bargaining and more aggressive competition on product quality (Kotler & Armstrong 2001) industry experts note that Wal-mart should leave mass marketing and focus on launching specific strategies aimed at each segment that it serves including Blacks, the Affluent, Empty Nesters, Hispanics, Suburbanites, and Rural Residents. Recognizing the importance of cultivating relationship marketing and the significance of considering the unique needs of each segment, this paper strongly recommends that Wal-mart embark on a target marketing approach. It should be noted that the more competitive nature of the retail industry dictates that each player pursue a harmonious and lasting relationship with its buyers by adding the value that they require. Thus, Wal-mart should step out from serving the broad anonymous crowd and start selling to each segment (Bianco 2004). It is recommended that the company does this by utilizing market penetration and product development. Recognizing that the product offered by Wal-Mart appeals to the working and bargain hunting customers, it is deemed most appropriate if the company looks into the possibility of serving the upscale segment by offering a new set of products which appeals to this demographics. Aside from this, the company can also opt to stand out from the crowd by improvin g on the other aspects of retailing such as merchandising, add-on services, and ambiance. Wal-Mart has long appealed to Blacks, Hispanics, and Rural Residents because of its price appeal. Having the capability of charging rock bottom prices because of economies of scale, Wal-mart has become prominent to this market. However, the proliferation of retailers who are taking efforts of targeting these markets somehow hurt the sales of the giant retailer. Thus, it is recommended that Wal-mart looks into penetrating these segments by offering more beverage and food products which are culturally appealing to Blacks and Hispanics. In order to cater

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Physician Assistant Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physician Assistant Profession - Essay Example Specialties such as cardiovascular, neonatology, and emergency medicine may fall outside the scope of the core training program. Typically, responsibility for training a PA to work in these areas falls on Masters levels programs or the physician that was practicing with the PA. While the system has relied on the talent and dedication of the members of the profession to assure an adequate level of training, there has been no formal certification process for working in these areas. The rapidly changing and evolving profession has reached a point where certification makes good sense. It is good for the physicians, the career PAs, and most importantly it is a benefit to the public and the health care patients that seek care from a PA in a specialty environment. PAs are trained and work under the close supervision of a physician and in this arrangement the physician is dependent upon a qualified assistant. Currently, the National Commission on Certification of Physicians Assistants (NCCPA) is the governing board that is responsible for the quality certification of PAs. In a speech of May 2006 Randy D. Danielsen, the Chairman of the NCCPA said, "Changes in the larger health care delivery system may be adversely affecting the teaching and mentoring that should be taking place between PAs and their supervising physicians...". The NCCPA Chairman called for specialty certification at that time. When training suffers the working arrangement between the physician and the PA is negatively affected. With specialty standards and a certification process, the physician could be more confident that the PA will have the background necessary to work in tomorrow's health care system. The PA may have the most to gain from a specialty certification process. A certificate of compliance can be readily recognized as an assurance that the PA is qualified to work in a given specialty. Indeed, many larger organizations have indicated the need for certification other that the NCCPA certification to demonstrate the PAs competence in a specialty or subspecialty. The current certification process may be limiting the career advancement of qualified PAs simply because of a lack of a certification process. According to the American Academy of Physicians Assistants (AAPA) this could lead to more opportunities for employment, greater chance of advancement, higher pay, and a more secure position within the specialty ("Flexibility as a Hallmark"). Specialty certification will enhance the career path of the PA within the framework of modern health care. Critics will point out that the certification requirements may limit the flexibility of PAs in the delivery of care. The AAPA has cited as an example that, "...a PA working in adult cardiology might not be able to moonlight in urgent care..." ("Flexibility as a Hallmark"). The Academy is further concerned that the added cost of formal specialty and subspecialty training and certification may be impractical as well as being time consuming and possibly unavailable. These are valid concerns and it is incumbent upon the NCCPA to address these important issues when structuring a specialty certification program. The ultimate goal of health care is to benefit the patient. Indeed, PAs have been instrumental in bringing quality treatment to the public at an affordable cost. In a study by Hooker, Potts, and Ray it

Monday, October 14, 2019

Explain what is meant by globalisation Essay Example for Free

Explain what is meant by globalisation Essay Globalisation involves the increased interdependence/reliance of countries. It is the increasing integration of the world economy into a single international market due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services and flows of capital and technology.  Globalisation implies that goods are being manufactured abroad and that there is more prominent international trade. This is shown through the rise in exports and imports. For example, UK exports as a percentage of gross domestic product have more than doubled in the post-war period.   Globalisation welcomes new technology and means that countries are less inward looking. In general, globalisation increases as time goes on and develops along with changing objectives and advances in technology. It is not a new phenomenon.  Especially during the last 25 years, more and more areas of the world economy have been brought into the competitive market.  Globalisation, on the whole offers huge scope to improve the efficient allocation of resources and derive the benefits of international trade. It is fuelled by trade, movement of factors of production, the increasing number of Multi-National Corporations and the new technology. There are four main factors that have contributed to globalisation in recent years.  Firstly, there is the freer movement of goods and services between countries. This is known as free trade and theoretically each country should concentrate in the production of those products in which is has absolute advantages, the greatest comparative advantages or the least comparative disadvantages.  Free trade is promoted internationally and regionally by a number of trading blocs and organisations like so called world wide clubs and regional clubs. The most important and relevant one is probably the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The WTO has pushed along globalisation because it discusses trade issues, establishes agreed rules and takes appropriate measures when these rules have been broken. It has 130+ members and membership is conditional on the grounds that countries must follow trade policies of a broadly free trading nature. The other main trading bloc is the EU. It has helped globalisation because it enjoys a single currency that further unites and integrates the current 15 members. The EU allows the liberty of inter-member movement with goods, services and labour alike.  Free trade has lead to globalisation in recent years because countries can enjoy exports and imports of great quality and lower prices. Globalisation is also about improving current economic situations, and if consumers are satisfied then they tend of spend more, hence generating a larger amount of money in the economy which in turn inspires even more globalisation. Another factor which has led to the process of increased globalisation is the freer movement of the factors of production, i.e.: land, labour, capital, enterprise. If we first consider the physical capital like tools, infrastructure and raw materials; in the past it was more convenient for a country to just make use of its own resources. It was either extremely expensive or not allowed for these to move about. But since deregulation, freer movement of factors of production exists.  Deregulation is basically when the government removes rules and in effect removes barriers to entry, for example perhaps abolishing a tariff on certain imports. In terms of money capital, in the past there was the issue of exchange control, whereby there was a maximum on the amount of a currency you could carry about. This too has been deregulated, and this along with the decrease in bureaucracy and removal of red tape has enabled foreign investment to occur, spurring on globalisation. This freer movement of factors of production, which includes capital and labour mobility has led to globalisation as different countries resources has become open to the world market. The United Arab Emirates, for example, exports a large amount of aluminium and generates a massive sum of money from this. However, to do this is has to obtain bauxite (the raw material) and this is possible because of the freer movement of factors of production. The 3rd factor is the freer movement of firms; more specifically globalisation has been led by the growth of Multi-national Corporations (MNCs). They are such an integral part of globalisation that the sales of MNCs such as General Motors and Ford exceed the entire gross domestic product of many countries. A Multi-national corporation is a company that has significant production operations in at least two countries, e.g. Starbucks or Sony. These large firms exist because of economies of scale, marketing, and lots of political power.  MNCs help globalisation because without them there would be far less trade and innovation. MNCs have increased the amount of world output significantly and this has improved living standards throughout. MNCs create new jobs in other countries, giving rise to opportunity for the country they are operating in, and generating money for their own country. Multi-national corporations and globalisation is inevitably leading to a shifting in production from the First World to the Third World, where labour is cheaper. This is an example of globalisation as countries become more interdependent on each other.  Finally, the last main factor that has contributed to globalisation is the prominence of advancing technology. This includes communication, the Internet, computers, etc. Technology is tied in with the other factors that have led to globalisation. The dramatic improvement in communications during the second half of the twentieth century has especially helped globalisation and MNCs. Falling airfares, the Internet, the fax machine, digitalisation and computers especially have meant that the movement of people and the transmission of information and ideas is easier and more cost-effective than ever before. Technology has reaped massive economies of scale and efficiency benefits for firms today, particularly as we live in an era where many things are computerised. Technology has made it more convenient to manage large firms and permit the movement of factors of production and free trade. The significant reductions in constraints on the international movement of goods and capital emphasise the attitudes of people today evolving towards a more liberal outlook, and this in itself mirrors globalisation.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Merits And Demerits Of Each Philosophy Education Essay

The Merits And Demerits Of Each Philosophy Education Essay Introduction: This essay will discuss two research philosophies. It starts by giving a brief account of each. Followed by a discussion on the preferred philosophy which will be adopted for the research project, i.e. social constructivism alongside post positivism In this discussion the merits and demerits of each philosophy, are given along side the research strategies associated with each as well as the rationale for adapting social constructivism. Here, a brief history of each outlines philosophy: Post positivism arose out of dissatisfaction with some aspects of the positivist stance. Whereas positivists accept an objective, apprehendable reality, post positivists acknowledge an objective reality that is only imperfectly apprehendable (Lincoln Guba, 2000). This position holds that human intellectual mechanisms are flawed and that lifes phenomena are basically intractable, and therefore, one can never fully capture a true reality. A key distinction between the positivist and post positivist views is that the former stresses theory verification and the latter theory falsification (Lincoln Guba, 2000, p. 107). Despite some important differences between the positivist and post positivist paradigms, the two perspectives share much in common (Lincoln Guba, 2000; Ponterotto, 2002). A goal for both is an explanation that leads to prediction and control of phenomena. Both perspectives emphasize cause- effect linkages of phenomena that can be studied, identified, and generalized, and both paradigms proffer an objective, detached researcher role. Furthermore, both paradigms operate from both a nomothetic and etic perspective. Positivism and post positivism serve as the primary foundation and anchor for quantitative research. Whereas, constructivists hold that reality is constructed in the mind of the individual, rather than it being an externally singular entity (Hansen, 2004). The constructivist position espouses a hermeneutical approach, which maintains that meaning is hidden and must be brought to the surface through deep reflection (see Schwandt, 2000; Sciarra, 1999). This reflection can be stimulated by the interactive researcher-participant dialogue. Thus a distinguishing characteristic of constructivism is the centrality of the interaction between the investigator and the object of investigation. Only through this interaction can deeper meaning be uncovered. Qualitative research and the seeds of constructivism-interpretivism can be traced back to Kants (1881/ 1966) Critique of Pure Reason. According to Hamilton (1994, p. 63), Kants position was that human perception derives not only from evidence of the senses but also from the mental apparatus that serves to organize the incoming sense impressions and that human claims about nature cannot be independent of inside-the-head processes of the knowing subject. Another significant figure in the development of constructivism was Dilthey (1894/1977). Proponents of constructivism-interpretivism emphasize the goal of understanding the lived experiences (Erlebnis) from the point of view of those who live it day to day (Schwandt, 1994, 2000). Dilthey believed that every lived experience occurs within a historical social reality. He further believed that these lived experiences may be outside the immediate awareness of the individual but could be brought to consciousness. Understandably, the constructivist-interpretivist paradigm provides the primary foundation and anchor for qualitative research methods. Linking it to the philosophy of constructivism-interpretive and the research on leadership styles prevailing in Risxcel. My research project will adopt constructivism-interpretivism instead of post positivism. The ensuing discussion explains why: The methodology to be used for the research will be influenced by social constructivism which is often in combination with interpretivism (Mertens 1998, Bryman 2008) because its underpinnings are appropriate to act in response to the leadership in Risxcel. Social Constructivist-interpretist holds the hypothesis that folks seek an understanding of the world in which they work and inhibit, Creswell (2009). In this area, folks build up subjective meanings of their experiences meanings focussed toward some objects or things on leadershipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The aim of research is to extract participants views of the leadership styles prevailing in Risxcel. Such views will be extracted from CEO, managers and staff as the researcher visits the context and seek an understanding of leadership styles prevailing at Risxcel, however such an understanding can only be made possible by seeking the views and perceived experiences of those working on leadership positions at the college. From this point of view, this research will require an understanding community, i.e. Risxcel staffs subjective meanings of leadership. Adopting Constructivism enables participants to give their subjective experiences which are socially and culturally constructed. It is anticipated that by applying social constructivism to this research, if the context will form the explanation of data. By applying Social Constructivism, the project therefore positions the acknowledgement of how the interpretation of data flows from historical experiences, personal and cultural (Creswell 2009). As Crotty (1998) notes, meanings are generated by human beings as they engage with the world they are interpreting. In this case, it is anticipated that being informed and directed of the post positivist paradigm would have make the study somewhat people -less (Kitchin 2006: 6) as it ignores their views and beliefs within a study population otherwise highly charged with these, given the subject of leadership. Against this bac kground, the research project adheres to the supposition by social constructivists that the generation of meaning is always social, arising in and out of interaction with a human community (Crotty 1998 in Creswell 2009: 9). Qualitative research strategies, i.e. individual in depth views and focus groups, will therefore utilized in this research as they allow the researcher to extract participants views, experiences, beliefs on the subject of leadership This being the case, quantitative research strategies, which are informed of post positivism would inappropriate as will be further discussed below. Given that the research project will be using qualitative research strategies, a definition may be crucial at this point. Qualitative research is a positioned activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set of material practices, interpretive that makes the world noticeable. These practices à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ turn the world into a series of representations including photographs, field notes, and interviews, to the self. At this level, qualitative research involves a naturalistic, interpretive approach to the world. This explains that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, interpret phenomena and attempting to make sense in terms of the meanings people bring to them (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005: 3). In addition to the issues noted above post positivism and its research strategies would not be appropriate for the research project because post-positivist assumptions hold true more for quantitative research than qualitative research which is called sometimes the scientific method (Creswell 2009). As well, post-positivists hold deterministic philosophy in which causes determine effects or outcomes, which are the reflection to the need of identification and the assessment of the causes that influence outcomes such as found in experiments (Creswell 2009). Also, has the intent to reduce the ideas into small, which discrete a set of ideas to test, such as the variables that comprise hypotheses and research questions. The knowledge is based on careful observation and measurement of the objective reality that exist in the world. It becomes paramount for post-positivists the development of numeric measures of observations and the study of the behaviour for individuals (Creswell 2009). Challenges to Qualitative Research, while the project will utilise qualitative research as informed by social constructivism, its notable that it is by nature demanding and time consuming. There is need for dedication to field work, collecting the data, gaining rapport and when it comes to data analysis, one must sort out through large of data before reducing them to a few themes (Creswell 1998). After analysis, one must contend with writing a lengthy piece of work as evidence must substantiate claims and quotes from population study inherently increase the length of the study (Creswell 1998:17). It is also note worthy that social constructivism has been criticised fro being too dependent of participants views and experiences and also being too subjective to researcher interpretation (Lincoln and Denzin 1994). However to counter, this in the research project, reflexivity will be applied. This will involve seeking constant guidance from the supervision term when in doubt on how to int erpret findings. This will also be the strategy used for countering possible bias. In spite of the above acknowledged problems related with its utilization, the research project on leadership at Risxcel will utilise qualitative research due to the nature of the topic as well as my philosophical worldview position. In this instance, qualitative research will enable me to explore the Risxcels leadership styles within a given context in detail. And gleaned explanations on peoples views, behaviour, actions and beliefs as culturally, socially and historically informed. Indeed, the topic of the research project need to be explored in detail and as (Creswell, 1998) notes; qualitative research is the method suitable for research topics with no easily identified variables or explanations for behaviour and requiring explorations to be carried out. As Creswell (1998: 17) comments, one must select qualitative research over quantitative research when the topic needs to provide a detailed view because the wide -angel lens or the distant panoramic shot will not suffice to present answers to the problem , or the close up view does not exist. In conclusion, this essay has discussed two philosophies, i.e. social constructivism and post-positivism. It has also presented the philosophy which will be applied to the research project on leadership at Risxcel and given a rationale for its selection. In this selection process, the merits and demerits of each philosophy have been discussed, alongside the research strategies associated with each. While social constructivism clearly has its challenges, it was deemed more appropriate for the research project.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Death of Ivan Ilyich Essay -- Literary Analysis, Tolstoy

In his novella, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Leo Tolstoy satirizes the isolation and materialism of Russian society and suggests that its desensitized existence overlooks the true meaning of life—compassion. Ivan had attained everything that society deemed important in life: a high social position, a powerful job, and money. Marriage developed out of necessity rather than love: â€Å"He only required of it those conveniences—dinner at home, housewife, and bed—which it could give him† (17). Later, he purchased a magnificent house, as society dictated, and attempted to fill it with ostentatious antiquities solely available to the wealthy. However, â€Å"In reality it was just what is usually seen in the houses of people of moderate means who want to appear rich, and therefore succeed only in resembling others like themselves† (22). Through intense characterizations by the detached and omniscient narrator, Tolstoy reveals the flaws of this deeply superfic ial society. Although Ivan has flourished under the standards of society, he fails to establish any sort of connection with another human being on this earth. Tragically, only his fatal illness can allow him to confront his own death and reevaluate his life. He finally understands, in his final breath, that â€Å"All you have lived for and still live for is falsehood and deception, hiding life and death from you† (69). Tolstoy establishes his satire instantly after the death of Ivan through the cruel and selfish reactions of his friends. The death of a friend would normally conjure feelings of grief and compassion, yet for Ivan’s close associates, thoughts of their futures drowned out any thoughts of death. â€Å"So on receiving the news of Ivan Ilych's death the first thought of each of the gentlemen in ... ...nt factors in an individual’s life. Tolstoy suggests that even though most of Russian society has lived similar to Ivan, an opportunity will always exist to redeem oneself of his past greed. Leo Tolstoy argues in The Death of Ivan Ilyich the importance of compassion in life and the pivotal role it plays in allowing an individual to live a truly satisfying life. In his eyes, the Russian nobility did not actually live since their sole priorities were themselves and obtaining possessions. While the poor, on the other hand, understood the importance of their time on this earth and seized every second of it. Although written in the late nineteenth century, Tolstoy’s work continues to apply to American society even today. People continue to isolate themselves from the world and suppress all difficult emotions, believing that their wealth-oriented lives are noble.

Friday, October 11, 2019

British Girls and Women of the 90s †the Spice Girls, Girl Bands and Their Influence on British Culture

British Girls and Women of the 90s – The Spice Girls, Girl Bands and their Influence on British Culture The twentieth century will, without doubt, be viewed by historians as the Woman’s Hour. The status of women in Britain changed. More and more women started to leave their homes and join the labour market. They started to fight for their independence and political, economic and social rights. Women got more recognition from the society and they started to pursue equality with men.They progressed from being (almost) possessions of men, with no legal status of their own, to being considered legal citizens in their own right. As far as the political background is concerned, it is worth saying a few words about Margaret Thatcher. Following the defeat of the Conservatives in 1974 election, Margaret Hilda Thatcher was elected as the new leader. She wentaon to lead the Conservatives toathe victory in the election of 1979 andathe party remained in power until 1997. Christopher states that, â€Å"She was developing economicaideas which were guided by the fashionable theories of monetarism†(Christopher, 12).These involved reducing inflation with high interest rates and submitting all aspects of the economy to free-market theories and the laws of supply and demand. Her economic and political ideas, which came to be known as ‘Thatcherism’ began to be fully expressed and implemented. But in Britain, there were high rates of unemployment during the periods of the 1980s and early 90s. The jobs people lost were mostly skilled jobs in manufacturing industry, which were regarded as ‘men's jobs'. Massive cuts in state spending led to job losses in the public sector, which affected women equally.According to Christopher’s study: Because these jobs were usually semi-skilled or unskilled and low paid, the women were more interchangeable as employees and could find part-time office work or cleaning work, similarly low paid, elsewhere. ( Christopher, 13) Women wereabeginning to occupy postsain traditional male-dominatedaareas such as business,alaw and banks. aMany of them couldaenjoy the benefitsaof increasing financialaand sexual freedom,aand were postponing marriageaand children. By 1986 the economy wasastrong. There was an airaof enterprise and optimism asaa new society emerged. aBritain became oreaaffluent, competitive andamore interested inacash. There was a newageneration of stylishaand image-conscious consumers,aand spending on restaurants,aclothes, cars, homes and holidays reached recordalevels. Many various feminist groups appeared and the third-wave of feminism in the USA began. In the early 1990s, an underground feminist movement called Riot Grrrl jumpstarted the idea of female empowerment. Riot Grrrl was anaunderground feminist punk rock movementathat originally started inaWashington, in the early to mid-1990s – it wasaoften associated with third-waveafeminism. According to some, â€Å"Riot Grrrl . ands often addressed issues, such. as: domestic abuse, rape, sexuality, patriarchy, racism and female empowerment. Riot Grrrls were knownato start chapters, hold meetings,aand suport andaorganize womenain music. †(Schilt, 6). Theamovement allowedawomen their own spaceato create music andamake political statementsaabout the issuesathey were facing inathe punk rock community asawell as inasociety. Those ideas soon entered Great Britain. Shortly after that, British marketers began latching onto the catchphrase ‘girl power’ – which expressed aacultural phenomenon of the 1990saand earlya2000s. It is also linkedato third-waveafeminism.The most memorable example of ‘girl power’ is the Spice Girls. The Spice Girls wereaa Britishapop girlagroup formedain 1994 and the biggest popular cultural icons of the 1990s. As McGibbon mentions, â€Å"performing pop music, Spice Girls achieved a worldwide success, selling over 55 million albums all over the world , the most from among all female singing groups in the twentieth century. †(McGibbon, 23). Wherever they appeared, they could count on the support of the army of fans from all over the world, as well as the hysterical reaction of the media. The pop phenomenon – the Spice Girlsachanged the courseaof popularamusic andapopular culture.Both albums and eight of their singles releases achieved number one chart position in the UK. No pop group since the Beatles attracted as much media attention as the Spice Girls. Ginger,aBaby, Posh,aSporty andaScary were international stars, adored and ridiculed in equal measures which was the ultimate expression of media fame in the Nineties. The girls have made many achievements such as Wannabe – the Spice Girls’ first single – and the most successful song in their career. It plays a crucial role in their fame. The single Wannabe toppedathe UK Singles Chartafor sevenaweeks and acquired a latinumacertification byathe Bri tish Phonographic Industry. Sinclair concludes, â€Å"Itabecame theabest-sellingasingle by aafemale group, sellingaover six millionacopies worldwide. † (Sinclair, 78). In June 1997 the Girls undertook to make a feature-length film called Spiceworld – The Movie. The film was directed by Bob Spiers (director of Absolutely Fabulous, Fawlty Towers, and Are You Being Served? ) and was a comical narrative from the Spice Girls’ real life adventures. According to some, †the film was a runway success, becoming the second highest-grossing British film of 1997 (after Bean). (McGibbon, 45). Theayear 1997 sawathe Spice Girls capitalisingaon their fame throughaa multimillion dollaraphenomenon ofamerchandise, with hundredsaof official products. They may have made a great pop music, but if ever a group regarded their creative endeavours as a means to achieving a commercial end it was the Spice Girls. While pop stars through the decades have generally tried to a greater or lesser extent to protect their artistic integrity by not appearing to endorse unrelated or unsuitable products, the Spice Girls did the exact opposite.They were up for anything. According to Sinclair, „When it came to endorsements, it seemed that Spice Girls didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘No’. †(Sinclair, 50) There was apparently no product of consumer interest, however mundane or embarrassing, that it was beyond their ingenuity to adapt to the girl power credo. By the middleaof 1997, theaSpice Girlsahad signed up for product tie-in deals with Pepsi, Benetton, Feberge, Sony PlayStations, Polaroid cameras and Walker’s crisps. By the September 1997, the group were estimated to have earned $47 million by Forbes magazine, which ranked them at number 32 in their list of highest paid entertainers†. (http://www. sociology. org. uk/fchan1. pdf). This was a staggering achievement considering how little time they had been operating in the ma rketplace. All these achievements of the Spice Girls corroborate a huge potential of the band. Theaarrival of the Spice Girlsaadded to the new imageaand re-branding of Britain,aand underlined the growing worldapopularity of British, ratherathan U.S. , pop music. aThis fact was visible at the BRIT Awards ceremony in 1997. aThe group won twoaawards but itawas Halliwell's Union Jack mini-dress which she designed herself thataappeared in media coverageaall over the worldaand eventually became a symbol of ‘Cool Britannia’. They were the first pop phenomenon truly to understand the demands of the modern multi-media age, and to tailor their efforts accordingly. To their credit, the Spice Girls had an immensely powerful influence on children and teenagers. The girls were crazy about them.The kids of a generation whose musical horizons had previously been restricted to Mr Blobby, a character from a television show Noel's House Party, and Sesame Street singalongs, became sensitis ed to pop music thanks to the Spice Girls. Teenagers modelled on the girls dyeing hair red, performing dances and dressing up as their favourite Spice Girls. There were many all-girl bands which appeared during the existence of the Spice Girls such as: Attomic Kitten, Sugababes or Girls Aloud and many of which were created after the collapse of the group. All or most of them modelled themselves on those five wonderful girls.Despite the fact that there were, and still there are, many girl bands, none of them – also the aforementioned ones – has left such a big impression on pop music as the Spice Girls. As Sinclair states, ‘They became, almost overnight, a fondly regard and instantly recognisable part of British pop's royal family. † (Sinclair, 89). In summaries of their achievements ranging from the most informed biographies to the most aimless of pub conversations it was a generally held and often stated belief that, „the group put British music back on the world stage and ushered in a global renaissance in pop. † (Sinclair, 90).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My Police Dream Essay

My name is Brianna Knight. There are many reasons to why it’s my dream to become a police officer, but I’m going to highlight my top three reasons of why I would like to be a cop. â€Å"To Serve and Protect†, a phrase known by everyone, but only a few know the meaning and are willing to live by it. As a police officer it is their duty to serve and be loyal to their county, along with their officers and to do anything in their power to protect. I know what it takes to see and understand the dangers of life. To prevent harm and ensure the safety of others, I believe, is a very valuable trait to find in one applying to be an officer of the law. This is something I pride myself in. Some people my age seem to want to stay away from the word â€Å"responsibilities†. The way I look at it, is the more responsibilities the greater the accomplishments. Every decision one makes in life comes with some sort of responsibility. It is up to that person to decide how they react to it and what actions they decide to take. Being a police officer comes with great responsibilities, something I’ve thought long and hard about. I wouldn’t take on something I know I couldn’t handle. Like I’ve said, this is my dream. Being a police officer is not an easy job. I’m not looking for easy. Pushing yourself towards your goals and never giving up no matter what kind of obstacles may come your way gives one a sense of respect in oneself. I respect others, but respect is not just given overnight. It takes hard work and motivation, one must earn respect. Having respect from others is an important thing to have in this specific position. I’m a very determined individual, and when I set my mind to something I will go to great measures to reach and accomplish my goals. Seeing anyone have the same drive and motivation is something that earns my respect, for it has given me respect in myself. I have a great amount of respect for our police men and women. I would love to be a part of that. As a little girl there has been a tug towards becoming a police officer, who didn’t want to become a cop as a child? Now that I am grown that tug is still there. I want to give my son the best life I can possibly give, and to show him that he can be whatever his heart desires. I want to be someone he looks up to and hopefully one day he will follow in my footsteps. If not as a cop then to work as hard as I did in whatever that â€Å"tug† is for him and to conquer his dreams. This is why it is time for me to stop dreaming and start doing. I feel like I have what it takes physically and mentally to be a valuable asset to the police force. If and when I’m given the chance to show how serious this is to me, one will see how qualified I am to be able to call myself a police officer, someone that serves and protects his community. Thank you for your time and consideration.

A Mother Daughter Relationship Essay

Most parents expect many things from their children but most importantly wish their children to be successful and happy, but parents hold different expectations based on their child’s gender. The expectations that both mothers have are common because both of them have daughters. These differences in expectations of gender can be seen in literature such as Girl by Jamaica Kincaid where she will list everything a women is expected of doing in the house and in Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates, the mother argues with her daughter to be more like her sister which is portrayed to be perfect. Both of these mothers have high expectation in their daughters and show them tough love in their parenting. Mothers expect more from their daughters to be successful and by satisfying gender roles that society has made for them. Both mothers in the literature show their interest in their daughters by pleasing certain gender roles. In Girl we can tell her mother is listing what her daughter is expected to do in the house to become the perfect housewife and she must also act a certain way into becoming a lady. In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Connie’s mother always compares her to her sister June; the mother favors June over Connie and wants her to be more like her sister. June is everything her mother wants in a daughter while Connie is not. â€Å"A traditional gender role orientation emphasizes differences between men and women and assumes that each sex has a natural affinity to particular behaviors. Those who maintain a traditional gender role orientation are likely to be influenced by the rules and rituals of the generations that came before them, by their parents and grandparents† (Blackstone 335). This quote from Amy Blackstone explains that gender roles are affiliated with previous generations of the family, which can indicate that the mothers are passing down to their daughters what they have learned from their childhood with their own mothers. Mothers often want their daughters to follow their footsteps and have certain types of criteria that have to be met by them. In most cases, this creates a communication barrier between the  two and often leading them to have conflict among their relationship. We see this happening more in the literature of Girl when her mother states â€Å" this is how you iron your father’s khaki pants so that they don’t have a crease†¦ this is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard† (Kincaid 47). The mother teaches her daughter how to iron and clean the way she knows how to, implicating that she must follow her mothers footsteps because this is the right way and that she must do it when one day she gets married or has a house. But not all daughters have the same opinions as their mothers, which can result in having a communication barrier as we can see in Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? the story states â€Å"Connie’s mother kept picking at her until Connie wished her mother was dead and she herself was dead and it was all over.† (Oates 324). Connie’s mother picks on her daughter so much in the story that it makes Connie not want to have any relationship with her mother by wishing both of them death. According to Estherann Grace who has a masters degree in adolescent medicine said, â€Å"The strength of the mother/daughter bond contributes to the intensity of the emotional response both negatively and positively. This closeness stems somewhat from the expected psychological identification of a developing adolescent becoming a woman, following in her mother’s footsteps. The teenager needs to clarify the differences to establish her own identity.† (Grace 414) In order to solve their differences Connie needs to talk to her mother about the problems they both have and talk to each other about their point of views and figure out the underlying message why her mother and her don’t get along. Both mothers from the short stories show tough love for their daughters as one of their parenting techniques. For Girl the mother tells her daughter â€Å"on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming† (Kincaid 47), she tells this to her daughter because she secretly cares about how her daughter will turn out to be as a woman. The mother uses a form of reverse psychology so her daughter can prove her wrong that she will not become a slut that her mother thinks she will become. In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? her mother proclaims to Connie saying â€Å"Why don’t you keep your room clean like your sister? How’ve you got your hair fixed- what the hell stinks? Hair spray? You don’t see your sister using that junk.† (Oates 323) The mother complains to Connie to her because she wants her to become  just like her older daughter since she seems to believe that her oldest became successful and that Connie is doing the complete opposite of the mother’s expectations. But in Connie’s point of view she rebels to being anything like her sister because she has her own personality and doesn’t want to follow someone else’s footsteps. According to Gregory Patterson â€Å"Kids need more parental involvement. Whether it’s in setting high expectations and then holding children accountable, or by being closely and continuously involved as you set and hold high standards.†(Patterson 4) With this being said, Patterson would approve of the relationships that both mothers have with their daughters because it makes the parent become more involved with their children lives since its giving the child to hold high expectations of the parent which later on will lead to positive outcomes to the child. Although these mothers have unique ways of parenting, other parents might say this type of parenting can result of psychological abuse to their daughters. Psychological abuse is the parent’s behavior that can aggressively harm their child’s mental health (McCoy and Keen 123). We can see this psychological abuse for both literatures, in Girl her mother refers to the daughter to be turning into a slut, which will deliberately hurt the daughter’s feelings. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? the mother tells Connie to stop acting like she’s pretty because she’s not. Connie states that these words are familiar to her indicating that her mother verbally attacks her often which results into a psychological abuse. As stated by Monica McCoy and Stefanie Keen, â€Å"parents with good intentions may become verbally aggressive†¦whether the parent deliberately ignored the child, intended to harm the child with harsh words, or behaved out of ignorance.† (McCoy and Keen 125) The quote explains that even parents who have good intentions to their child can still accidently harm them with harsh words that can cause the psychological abuse towards the children. In conclusion, mothers expect more from their daughters to succeed in life with what the mother has provided to them varying from everyday life to academics and also by satisfying gender roles that society has made for women. While some of these gender roles can be protested by their daughters, it will most likely create communication barriers between their mothers relationship and cause several problems between the two. As a parenting  technique both the mothers have portrayed themselves as very harsh and heartless mothers but in all realty this points out that they have good intentions for being so strict on their daughters. Both mothers use though love in their parenting to show what their daughters are expected of and to hopefully guide their daughters in life with what the mother has taught them. Works Cited Blackstone, Amy. â€Å"Gender Roles and Society.† Human Ecology: An Encyclopedia of Children, Families, Communities, and Environments, (2003) 335-338 Grace, Estherann. â€Å"Mothers and Daughters: The Challenge of Communicating.† Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 19.6 (2006): 413-414. Keen, Stefanie M., and Monica McCoy. Child Abuse and Neglect. New York and London: Psychology Press, 2014. Print. Kincaid, Jamaica. Girl. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 4th ed. New York: Person Longman, 2012. 46-50 Oates, Joyce Carol. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 4th ed. New York: Person Longman, 2012. 323-337 Patterson, Gregory A. â€Å"Tough Love is Two Words – and Two Necessities.† Phi Delta Kappan, 93.5 (2012): 4.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Course assignement - Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Course assignement - - Essay Example In view of the above information pertaining to the operations of humanitarian aid organisations, it can be noted from the given case study that Reza District is located in the Horn of Africa in Somalia and is severely affected by famine as a result of long lasting conflict where 12 million people are affected and in need of humanitarian aid. The area is characterised by high mortality rate and the children are the most affected since they are severely malnourished. It is against this background that the two organisations namely Hungeraid and Feedaid underscored to take the initiative to offer humanitarian assistance to the district of Reza and both agencies arrived on the 1st August on OCHA charter with the aim of offering supplementary feeding to the vulnerable and needy children. However, a close analysis of the cases involving the two organisation reveals that Hungeraid does not achieve its goal fully as a result of different obstacles it encountered during it distribution exercis e. Enlightening lessons from the two cases can be drawn in order to give recommendations to the management of Hungeraid as a way of trying to minimise the recurrence of similar disturbances. In order to ensure accountability in as far as humanitarian assistance to poverty stricken areas is concerned, there is every need for community involvement at all levels in order to avoid confusion as well as conflict among the intended beneficiaries. From the onset, it can be noted that Hungeraid quickly started their food distribution exercise on the very first day without taking into consideration other logistics such as compilation of the register and verification of the register. Unlike Hungeraid, the Feedaid organisation dedicated its time to verification of the register of the intended beneficiaries and this was done in consultation with the local leadership as a way of ensuring transparency and credibility. It can be noted that Hungeraid encountered its first problem

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Historical Analysis of Ibne Sinas Life and Contributions to Modern Essay

A Historical Analysis of Ibne Sinas Life and Contributions to Modern Science - Essay Example As a physical, Avicenna is well-known for his book the Canon (al-Qanun fi’l-Tibb). This book had played a crucial role in pre-modern medical education in both Europe and in Medieval Islamic Empire. Also Avicenna’s philosophical book â€Å"summa the Cure† (al-Shifa’) was also influential in European scholasticism. It is believed that â€Å"Summa the Cure† once heavily influenced the famous western philosopher Thomas Aquinas. As a philosopher, Avicenna’s success lies in the fact that he had been able to find out an interrelation between one’s belief in God and man’s existential being. So, Avicenna can be assumed to be the foremost Islamic philosophic thinker. The theoretical space that he provides for God as the Essential Being necessarily builds up the groundwork for his â€Å"theories of the soul, intellect and cosmos† (Goodman 43). Indeed, he successfully articulated that God is necessarily the foundation or origin of al l the tangible and intangible existence of this universe. Avicenna, the famous Muslim philosopher and physician, was born in a village named Qishlak Afshona in Uzbekistan (which was then called Bukhara) in 980 AD. His mother Setareh was a traditional housewife fro Bukhara and his father, Abdullah was a well-honored Islamic scholar who came to Bukhara from Balkh which was a famous city of the Samanid Empire.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Older People, Dementia & Policy in Scotland Essay

Older People, Dementia & Policy in Scotland - Essay Example It is becoming clear from both public debates and academic and policy maker discourse in the UK that many older people (i.e., those over the age of 65 years) much prefer to live their lives within their own homes. With aid from family and friends, an aggregate of the senior community seek to maintain their autonomy, independence and active well being (Audit Commission 5). However, a number of errors have been found in the reporting of expenditure of public care services, and these are attributed to the nature and parameter of service delivery across different areas of the UK. For example, evening and weekend home care in most areas, whilst others are consistently unable to receive night home care. Further, home-care workers trained in mental health were only available in 7 of 58 areas in a national study. Also, many older persons and their informal carers have not received additional support from community care agencies, as do older persons and trained carers within hospitals and nur sing homes. In the future, older people with mental health problems are to receive an equally good response regardless of where they live. This is one of the ways by which government and volunteer agencies seek to develop home-centered care, and to support informal carers and service users (Audit Commission 32). Equality and Diversity A feminist approach to the ethical care within social work for the older person is of recent intense focus in discourse. This school of thought encourages the professional social worker to actively reflect on concepts of social justice, autonomy and human rights, as well as extending investigation in to how aging is understood (Lolyd 1171).

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Innovation and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Innovation and Sustainability - Essay Example Causes of deforestation include but are not limited to wood extraction, expansion of agriculture as well as of the infrastructure. Along with satisfying certain human needs, deforestation has conventionally given rise to a lot of problems like climatic change and extinction of several species of animals and plants. A very obvious consumption habit of humans is the consumption of land. In the past two centuries, urban sprawl has surfaced as one of the outcomes of industrial revolution, as more people have moved to the urban areas in search of better opportunities and improved lifestyle. Consequentially, urban areas have spread to the lands that were previously undeveloped. One of the production habits is also related to deforestation. After cutting the trees, the wood retrieved from them is used for making numerous products. Trees are used for all kinds of purposes that include but are not limited to getting fruits, spices, nuts, latex, medicines, cork, fibers, natural resins, oils and timber. Most of these are eatables and are the fundamental elements that make our cuisines diverse and rich. Others like timber are of huge decorative significance. Timber is employed in the manufacturing of all kinds of furniture, floors and walls. Timber is also used as support for raising tents and fixing the wooden framework for concreting slabs. Urban sprawl has enabled humans to develop more industries, schools and hospitals for the wellbeing of the society. Establishment of these industries has increased the production of all sorts of goods including sports equipment, crockery and food ingredients. In order to conserve the forests, it is imperative that more markets are found that demand the products retrieved from the forests. This approach of sustainable use originates in the fact that adequate management of forests can help

Friday, October 4, 2019

Asian American Analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Asian American Analysis - Article Example Social Needs and Issues According to Sharon Lee: "As many Asian American studies scholars have pointed out, Asian Americans are depicted as model minorities but they are also portrayed as foreigners, disloyal to America," (2008, par 10) Lee further elaborates that: "Dual images of Asian Americans as model minorities, people to be praised and emulated and embraced, and foreign threats, people to be watched, monitored, and distrusted, have long been a part of U.S. history." (2008, par 11) How can Asian American students of the Chinese, Indian and South Korea origin reject these types of stereotypes without hurting their academic record It is nearly impossible. Many Asian American students feel that if they are going to break the stereotype, they should and will fail their classes. This will hopefully, in their minds, put them outside the mold and beyond the stereotype, and perhaps earn the trust of other classmates as well. This is something that a counselor and a school must keep in mind when realizing that Asian American failure rates are going up; a big inspiration for this problem is the desire to "fit in" with other students by "getting out" of their Asian American stereotypes.Another important item to consider is the fact that Asian American families generally want their children to be acculturated but not want them to be assimilated. Most of the parents speak their first language in the homes. Many of the parents are immigrants and may not speak English fluently. Therefore, this can cause concerns as far as fitting in and social norms are concerned. This means that these Asian American students may never feel fully accepted, nor may they ever be able to achieve full acceptance as their culture holds... From this study it is clear that the general stereotypes affect Asian Americans psychologically.   If they are not currently successful students, they may be too frightened to ask for help, thinking they will be rejected because of who they are, or ostracized by those within their own ethnic group.   This causes a threat for Asian American students that are failing, because intervention will be key; counselors must understand that these students will more than likely not ask for help.This paper stresses that  as far as education is concerned, there is a stereotype surrounding Asian Americans that puts quite a bit of pressure on their academic achievement.   Generally, Asian Americans of the Chinese, Indian and South Korean origin. are expected to perform well, and if they do not, they often feel very depressed and are embarrassed to ask for assistance.  Ã‚   According to Kim and Yeh: â€Å"Moreover, dispelling the Asian American universal academic success myth, the Educati onal Testing Service found that twelfth grade students from six major ethnic groups (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, South Asian, and Southeast Asian) had significant variations in their educational backgrounds and achievement†.  ETS also demonstrated how stereotyping has led to the neglect of the development of student services and support for the many Asian American students who are undereducated and have low socioeconomic status†.