Monday, February 24, 2020

Plan Development for a Major Health Care Facility Essay

Plan Development for a Major Health Care Facility - Essay Example The main aim of business plan is to oversee the implementation of a project based on good decision making, proper planning procedures and methods that eventually will lead to full completion of a project to all parties’ satisfaction. This paper is aimed at establishing a business plan for a major health care facility to its full functionality. The actual project here is a business plan of a major health care facility. For a successful completion of the project, there are many considerations, obstacles as well as opportunities that all have to be looked at before and during the project implementation. Unlike other projects, health care facility requires special attention due to the nature of its work hence it needs more expertise in its project planning. The plan should put in consideration many factors among them; that healthcare facilities depends on continues operations with no tolerance to disruptions, in terms of its construction it will require unique waste streams since chemicals might be involved within its wastes, there is need for provision of intense energy and water use within its surroundings due to the nature of the activities within the healthcare, there should be provision for infection control which should be unique on its own and lastly but not least, indoor air circulation is of importance and hence should be considered in the business plan for healthcare project. These special specifications differentiate a healthcare plan to that of a normal business plan. Any project that is to be consisted within a healthcare facility should fully be planed for and evaluated before its implementation. Existing research has shown that in a period of about last five years, there indeed has been an increase in healthcare projects development to almost 50% as compared to the previous years. This rapid increase has mainly been attributed to the need for new and developing technological innovations in the healthcare sector, aging populations as well as fa cilities, the need for new standards of care and a considerate reimbursement and financing environment. All these have contributed to the witnessed introductions of various projects to the health sector. This intern has brought the need to come up with business plans so as to attain the healthcare objectives with less challenges. The market analysis has shown that indeed there is more need for effective service integration and healthcare management especially for new enrollees within the healthcare sector. This is attributed to the fact that majority of new enrollees are soon to be non-disabled adults and this is a critical fact to the health sector since it’s worth noting that the disabled and dually eligible populations are much more costly and hence stand to benefit more from effective healthcare system. Market analysis has shown that there has been a high rise in the resent years of various special cases in the health sector that indeed have called for business plans to h elp in projects integrations in the health sector. Such like programs include; perinatal conditions that have played a big role in maternal and child health care, Chronic conditions, smoking complications and obesity among others. These complex health matters have brought about the need for establishment of more healthcare facilities and this has called for the need for project planning since healthcare

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Theories of Internationalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Theories of Internationalization - Essay Example This paper takes a comprehensive look at three of these theories: The Uppsala Model, The Eclectic Theory of International Production and Michael Porter Diamond Model. The definitions, assumptions, strengths and weaknesses relating to the above mentioned theories are discussed in this paper. The Uppsala Model The Uppsala Model was developed by Johanson and Vahlne in 1977 from their studies which focused on manufacturing firms of Sweden (Buckley & Ghauri, 1998 p.63). The empirical observations from their studies made them formulate the Uppsala Model. This model is based on the behavioural theory which uses behavioural actions to explain the nature of firms. Internationalization has been described as a process of experiential learning and incremental commitments which leads to an evolutionary development in a foreign market. The model has focused more on acquisition of knowledge and learning. In this regard, the lack of knowledge is seen as a barrier to the development of foreign operat ions. Four core concepts can be extracted from the Uppsala Model. These are market knowledge, market commitment, current activities and commitment decisions (Buckley & Ghauri, 1998 p.66). ... Both kinds of knowledge are required for international initiatives. The objective or general knowledge is easily learnt through teaching and marketing researches while the experiential or market -specific knowledge is only learnt through personal experience and is not transferrable of separable from the source. The model places much emphasis on experiential knowledge because it generates business opportunities and lays the foundation upon which internationalization process takes place. Market commitment concept is built from two factors. They are the amount of resources and the degree of commitment. The amount of resources refers to the size or the scale of investment in terms of marketing, personnel, research and others. The degree of commitment varies depending on the level of integration between the resources and other parts of the firm. The degree is higher if the level of integration is higher. Current activities constitute the main source of experience for a firm. Experience is important because it generates opportunities that lead to market commitments. Other sources of experience would include hiring people with experience, getting advice from other firms and taking over other firms with experience. These options have their limitations. First, the experienced force to be hired may not be available and second, the firms to take over or get advice from may not also be available. The best available option of gaining experience is through current activities which is a slow process (Michael, 2011 p. 39). The current business activities have to be continuous over time in order to realize desired consequences. Therefore, if the lag between the current activities and desired